Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Is my gaydar off?

While watching a recent episode of the "Rachel Zoe Project: I began to wonder if there was any way that Rodger could be straight.  I mean he wears way too many scarves for a straight guy.  He does watch football with the guys, but he also knows the ins & outs of every collection at Milan fashion week.  Is it possible for a guy to be straight & know the difference between a Laboutin & Jimmy Choo?

Anyone who knows me, will tell you that I have fallen for a number of questionable men.  A couple are out now, but there are still a few where the line between "metrosexual" and "homosexual" is very fine.  I admit I love a guy that has impeccable taste, loves to shop, gets manis & pedis & knows a great pair of shoes when he sees one.  But, what about the guy that looks at your feet and says "Honey, you need a pedi & OMG are those Manalos?"  Hmmmn.  There was the one who was clearly obsessed with Cher & Bette Midler.  How did I miss that?  Or the one that introduced me to Mario Badescu & had more product in his bathroom cabinet than the Sephora flagship store.  How about the one that loved shopping in the Barney's home department & could tell me the thread counts of every sheet set there? 

These days I try look for signs as my heart has been broken too many times due to a faulty gaydar!  But I still hold onto the hope that I will find a man like Rodger - if he is straight, that is!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sexy Hair

I was not blessed with thick, gorgeous hair.  My hair would best be described as fine, frizzy & limp. I remember moving back to Miami & wondering "how do all these beautiful woman have such shiny. smooth long hair".  Must be a Latin thing, right?  Wrong!   Early on I learned the importance of keratene treatments to deal with the extreme Florida humidity.  So, now my hair was straight & shiny, but somehow would not grow past my shoulders.  And trust me, I tried. 

Newly single & looking for anything to increase my "hotness" factor I decided to explore the world of hair extensions.  I made a few phone calls & was referred to Primp Salon & Hair Extension Boutique.  After a quick chat with Missy, one of their talented stylists, I made an appointment to go in for a consult the next morning.  Primp is a small, yet luxurious salon set in the heart of South Beach.  Missy quickly matched my hair to the swatches & promised me she would have the hair the next day in time for a weekend filled with Swim Week events & a pending trip to LA.  I just kept thinking "If my hair looks anything like hers, I will be one happy girl!"

I arrived the next day excited for my transformation.  They washed my hair, blow-dryed it straight & one-by-one applied the extensions to my existing hair.  The product they use is applied with tape.  I was told it would last about 8 weeks at which point I coud have it "re-taped" one more time.  I somehow justified the hefty price by the fact that for 4-6 months I would have hair like the Kardashians!  About an hour later, I looked up & couldn't believe what I saw - long, bouncy, think sexy hair!  A whole new me. 

The first night I had a bit of headache as the tape was tight next to my head.  I found it awkward to sleep at first.  But who needs sleep anyway when you have such fabulous hair? Then the panic set in.  How on earth was I going to wash & style all this hair by myself?   With the aid of leave-in conditioners, detanglers & shine serums, I have mastered washing & blowing out the extensions in about 45 minutes.  I wash my hair every 3 days or so & recommend just washing the crown of your head if you need to do so inbetween. 

After about two months, my hair had grown out enough that the tape began to show.  In a panic one evening before a dinner party, I called Assaf Aveda Salon in Sunny Isles Beach (   to see if they could re-tape my extensions. I didn't have time to get down to South Beach.  Assaf, the owner, had blown out my long hair recently & did an amazing job.  It turns out he actually uses the same product at his salon.  He slowly removed the extensions, washed my hair, gave me a deep conditioning treatment & reapplied them.  Assaf then cut & styled my hair so that it was more manageable for the next couple of months.  Two short hours to sleek, long sexy hair.

I am not quite sure how I am going to back to my frizzy, limp, fine hair.  Sometimes I wonder who's hair I am proudly carrying around with me.  Whoever you are, wherever in the world you are, I would like to thank you!  I feel sexy & confident.  However, sometimes I feel like I am wearing a sweater on a hot Miami day.  But that is the price you pay for long, luscious locks.

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's The Little Things

I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed. (literally) Firstly, my 4 year old son had somehow made it into my bed & taken over my side, but my true crankiness was stemming from the fact that my ex-boyfriend ,who I love dearly & consider my best friend, was heading to Chicago to celebrate his 50th birthday & I was not going to be a part of this special weekend given the current status of our relationship.

So,I dragged myself out of bed, got myself ready in 20 minutes & somehow had enough time to stop at Starbucks on the way to school. To my surprise I look up above the cash register and saw the sign: "Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back for the season". Woooohooo it's that time of year again. For those of you that are caffeine addicts like myself, this is a HUGE day. My man-related misery turned to instant girly bliss!

It got me's the little things that make us smile. Somewhere in our crazy, hectic days there are things that just can turn a frown upside down instantaneously. So, I decided to compile a list of all things that make me seriously happy.

Here goes:

My son's laugh, dusk, back tickles, dancing naked to Depeche Mode, tall nonfat pumpkin spice lattes, rainbows, peonies, afternoon naps with the one you love, dark chocolate with orange peel, driving with the top down, fresh crisp sheets, warm bread pudding, hot bubble baths, dimples, listening to my iPod on shuffle, Clinique Happy, mountains, a handwritten greeting card, great sushi, a good massage, steam rooms & saunas, listening to the waves roll in, butterflies when you meet someone & you just "know" that it's going to be something special..

Tonight I will go to bed happy. Happy for the little things & grateful for the chance to experience the ups & downs of true love.